The rain cleared overnight and we had a lovely misty start this morning, that usually means a hot day ahead and it turned out that way. We seem to just be perched above the mist, it often covers the houses below us but rarely touches us. Sometimes it looks like a Japanese painting with layers of trees in hundreds of shades of grey. We ended up on Vilarrube beach again and decided it felt as warm as a good May or June day in Cornwall. We gathered some figs and a couple of lemons from the trees on the way down to the beach, there used to be a whole village down there but I think it was removed as it had been built without planning permission however the garden trees still remain. The boys stripped off and went swimming, we found a huge kind of periwinkle thing about 25 cms long, I thought it was just a shell but it turned out to be inhabited. We gathered a load of shells and other beach bits and bobs for the museum the boys want to build in the attic.

Callum has discovered the cupboard in the guest bedroom and calls it his office.

Rowan found a picture of his sister Poppy when she was a toddler and thought she looked cute and gorgeous, Jenny says she still does :-) ...Hiya Poppy.
We are getting on really well with two new friends we met at Stanley's birthday at Rioforcadas - Liz and Graham, the boys have really taken to them and decided Graham is golden Graham. They have a lovely fairytale house near Samozas about 15 mins from us, I hope to put some photos of their house and garden on here soon. Bill and Jackie two other friends we met at Stanley's party are coming round tommorow and I also hope to get some photos of their house on too. It is a small world really; Graham was brought up just over the other side of the river Tyne from where I spent my early years, he and Liz were living in Cornwall, not so far from where we were, for many years before they moved out here. Jackie spends a fair bit of time in Chelmsford where the University I work for is. I hear rumour that there is a couple from Porthleven now living near Pantin about ten mins from here too. Ruan, Stanley's dad went to Sennen school when I was doing my teacher training there and I knew his mum well too. Geraldine, Stanley's mum's mum was familiar as well I am sure we met in Cornwall too.
If anyone out there is short of eggs we have a fridge full of them now please come and have an eggfest... five hens = 4 eggs a day= too many for a family like ours and one of the hens has not started laying yet. Wildmite/Ronnie is thriving but still keeps a little distance off, I don't think he will ever be a house cat. It is time to go and watch Arthur and the Invisibles in bed with the boys, my daughter Kate and her boyfriend Luke sent it and Goblet of Fire over and they arrived today along with some lovely late birthday cards...you have really got some design sense Luke get enrolled on that degree matey.
Night night.