Thursday, 17 September 2009


Not a great day at school, neither of the boys wanted to go in this morning and when we picked Rowan up after school he had cut a couple of large holes in his trousers because he was fed up with getting blamed for what others were doing and at all the shouting from the teacher and Callum's teacher says he has no books - that is the 130 euros worth of books I gave the teacher yesterday in a plastic bag "Ah los libros; bien" she smiled at me yesterday, I am not impressed with her memory at the moment.

BTW thanks for the messages requesting membership - no time to play tonight so I will make changes tomorrow.


Monday, 14 September 2009

Rowan birthday

Rowan had a wonderful birthday with parcels from the UK arrivng just in time on the day.
He was muy contento

Enjoyed his first cake and the next one
That is a volcano in case you were wondering

He was pleased to have help with the blowing out and some other cakes arrived too
It was a tad windy so I knocked up a windbreak and we hung a Panyata fom it, Coco is over just now it was great to see him again I haven't hardly seen him since I taught him in primary school.

It wasn't too windy for watersliding though

We also did parachute games 

this was a huddling game I think

And we did rolling toddlers in a blanket

here they are two babes in tartan. all in all it was a great day - Callum has a birthday next month and wants to go 10 pin bowling - he has just discovered the SImpsons...Doh!

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Going private

GoingtoGalicia started out as a way of keeping friends and family informed about our move, Clustrmaps is showing me a widening readership particularly since the lyme disease posts. Given the personal nature of some of the information in the archives I am going to keep the blog available to friends and family and other known contacts but close it to public access from this Wednesday. Could anyone wishing to retain access post a comment in reply to this thread, comments will not be published but, if email addresses are included, will enable me to set membership.

I will develop the View from Valdovino blog in a more anonymous form that will still provide some insight into life out here although due to work commitments this is unlikely to start until next week.

Monday, 7 September 2009


We have spent much of the last week or so trying to sort our tax and social security status in Spain out, it has been rather complicated but we are making some progress at last and we have been getting the children ready for school, A bit of a shock when we picked up the school books...almost 300 euros worth and I don't think we will be able to claim any of it back again. Today must be the hottest day of the year it was a misty sunrise,although we seem to sit in a lovely clear gap with mist above, below and all around us.
that is usually a good indication of hot weather ahead and it just went on getting hotter and hotter, now its around 6 pm and everything out side is singing hot, way too hot to go out really.
Rowan did some more work on our tree house that is now going to be a sort of pirate sailing ship  in the woods hopefully.

The pumpkins are coming along well and the hens are on regular caterpillar hunting duty in the cabbages just now. 

One of our Brugmansias is starting to flower we did not expect it too in its first year hopefully tomorrow the first one will be open.