Sunday, 27 July 2008

Leaving party

This afternoon we were at a leaving party on Sennen harbour beach, we were overwhelmed as to how many people turned out, Sennen really is a special place full of special people. There were loads of children doing surfing and kayaking and paddling and chasing and sliding down the lifeboat ramp in fish boxes and jumping off things and loads of other games that children in the cove have played for generations to get to grips with the reality of the world and discover their limitations and abilities. There were cakes a plenty, spectacular special cakes. I just now asked Callum what was his favourite part of the day and he said he loved the cakes they were the highlight of the day for him. Rowan has gone to sleep but judging by the rate at which he downed the cakes and the fact that he actually stopped talking for a while they were a high spot for him too. Thank you Cakemakers of Sennen and thanks to everyone for the lovely painting we have always loved the view from Sennen towards Cape Cornwall and now it will be with us every day in our new home. We watched the lifeboats launching and saw brave young men Jenny and I had both had worked with in their early school years now standing proud as an integral part of this essential service. It is a beautiful almost romantic event on a sunny July day with bright postcard colours but this all belies the reality of night launches into the teeth of winter gales heading out against raging seas to face unknown dangers; I have seen a few of those over the years - that's way more than brave that is. Chatting to friends about times in the waves brought back shared memories some of them going back 20 years ago still as clear as if they had happened a few days ago, I must have watched, sat on, swum under and in, played with been stoked and mauled by waves since almost as far back as I can remember - countless waves and each one unique and beautiful beyond words, thanks for bringing some of them back to life guys. There was such a sense of community, villages need days like this one and lots of them, it was particularly wonderful to see so many children together on the same bit of beach at the same time, there was a lot of 'looking out for each other' and helping, sharing, careing and exploring together. The harbour is a such an asset, a safe haven and effective training ground, from amongst these young ones will emerge more lifeboat crew and lifeguards and surf instructors; people with the sea in their veins. How can we leave all of this behind ? For me I think its not like a proper leaving, not a severance, we will always be pulled back to Sennen for holidays and we hope lots of our friends will come over to Galicia for holidays too.

BTW neither of us managed to take any photos if anyone has any we would love some via email.

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