Lots of rain for the last few days and more strong winds predicted over the next few days... again ah well we managed a bit of digging in the garden on Saturday and planted some rows of strawberries and some onion sets and prepared the ground for the first few potatoes. I have planed some kiwis and kiwinos hoping they will grow up over the fence round the hens coral and provide a wind break for the fruit trees further up the garden. We also put in a lilac near the house and a mixed scatering of hazel, ash and birch lower down the garden. next weekend we are looking for holly trees for the bottom to provide some shelter and berries.
We had a walk up at the mushroom picking place a few days ago, fresh shoots of bulbs peeking through and buds starting to break on trees, frogspawn, tadpoles and newts all gave the day a flavour of Spring.

Some lovely crystal clear springs provide high level meandering watermeadows

Some of the spawn was hit by the frost but underneath it was fine and there were plenty of tadpoles.

Tadpole hunting

Definitely a wellies place in the winter.
PS only joking about all the work Simon, no need to do any really but if you want to help out you are welcome too.
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