It took a bit of effort to drag Callum out this evening but it was worth it when we got to Baleo the tide was right out and we all had a whale of a time.

There are some great rocks to play hide and seek chase around and the water was very moito frio brrrr chillly toes too cold for us but not for the boys and lovely warm sun.

each end of the beach was a lot cooler than the middle bit quite a significant difference really, hmmm play at the ends where its cool but the rocks are better or play in the middle where its warm but there are less good playing rocks ...sometimes there are hard choices to make in life.
We stopped at a little mirador on the headland just North of the beach to watch the sunset - a mirador is a little place with some bits of granite to sit on and a view to look at and bits of rubbish on the ground to step around. The view was good nice and heathery with dramatic rocks The path is much steeper than it looks oh no you wouldn't want to slip if it were wet and the rocks are a lot larger and further away than they look Oh for a little plastic cow for scale you never have one to hand when you need one.

and we almost nearly saw a whale and someting else in the sea while the sky did a lovely paint job on the van

and then it did it on the other side too...look that is my arm - well framed photo... almost but it would be a lovely paint job IMO..well without the arm or well maybe that would make it special and Arty as in ..oh look he put in the arm ...yes the arm and a hint of hand but not the camera hmmm clever ey ...was it really his arm; was that the arm that took the picture or is there another photographer out of shot and tricking us... or is it a birdwatcher with binoculars that happened to accidentally caught in shot.... oh yes thers more too it ..must be very Arty that one ....What is Art by the way ???

Then I played the flute for a few moments root tooty toot but unlike Mr Magnolia I had more than one boot and Callum wanted a photo and sometimes you just have to let them when they are that age. Older... getting much older springs to mind when I see a photo like that. That is my favourite shirt just now btw I havent had a favourite shirt for around 12 years til this one came along its just right soft cottony always to hand like something I always had and just grew into recently.

On the way home we decided these new trees down

probably have something to do with why the phone has stopped working but rather strangely the internet is fine....hmmm a mystery there to be solved I am off to see Violetta tomorrow and find out what is going on with telefonica - telenonica would be more accurate. Its grand when you phone up there is an English speaking service but you have to get past three Castilliano speaking operators, they all speak different Castillian to what is spoke around here and it is hard understanding them as yet because they do LL as an llye sound but here it is more of a j sound doesn't sound a lot but a few other variances and it all goes to gobbldegook any way its always three of those before you get to the English one who usually doesn't speak English beyond hello sorry what is your number sorry there is no problem or if ou ar every lucky they might say we are working on it.
Then there was another potential phone line problem causing tree ouch unexpected flashback of light on the windscreen wrong time to take a photo but no we didn't nearly crash

then we were home and hungry but tomorrow is another day.