Sunday, 21 June 2009

lovely river day story

Once upon a time it was windy but nice when we got up in the morning.

Callum and Rowan found some cuddly toy dogs to play withRowan did a bit of digging in the BBQ area in our garden
and then we headed off to somewhere near Felgosas where there is a great little river refuge picnic area place there is a lovely little building with an open fireplace and some barbecues and picnic tables that was really really really great but hard to describe and we forgot to photograph it all.
Stanley and Lorena liked the dingy for a while

Ruan and Bindle took Stanley Rowan and Callum down the river in the dingy while Mel, Lorena Jenny and I had a nice little walk.

The River looked nice.

So we looked at it

it still looked nice and there was something heading our way

It was a dingy full of friends rather wet but very happy.

We had a great day and we will have more great days there too I am sure

the end.

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