I woke to a windless clearsky morning with wisps of mist floating through the village, that always seems to indicate a hot day ahead. This is the view out of our bathroom at 7 am.
We stepped on to the station at Viveiro and a few mins later we were looking at the Martlet a lovely 1959 Morgan Giles built proper boat, she is one of 5 admiralty sail training boats they built and was in service until the late 80s. The sun was already high so literally two minutes later the engine was started and we were tuk tuking out of the harbour surrounded by mullet.

We passed Cabo Ortegal (43º 46' 20' Norte, 7º 52' 05' Oeste) after a couple of hours; the cliffs here are 620 meters high that's a tad over 2000 feet in old money. Does it look spectacular in real life - yes yes yes; does it look spectacular in a photo - no no no :( If you visit here by boat or car you should go to the faro at the cabo The Cantabrian sea turns into the Atlantic Ocean off here and the views from on land are wonderful.
Mark did falling asleep in the sunshine we had to turn him every now and then and occasionally swab him down with teak oil, here are his feet getting a basting.
We had a lovely run round from there to Cedeira with a freshening wind and a following swell. With Sam at the helm, and Pete doing pointing which way to go, the Martlet flew along; we may have scraped 7 knots and that was not bad going given the light conditions...of course just as we entered the ria and just before we came into sight we were in the lee of the cliffs and the wind fell away to spoil our sprint finish but we still managed to sail all the way to the mooring.
I really had a wonderful time...we all did. Pete is berthing in Cedeira between now and October or maybe longer, his partner Geraldine is arriving via the Pont Aven on Monday and bringing with her the spinnaker pole - that is kind of useful to have on board the same boat as the spinnaker. Martlet will be occasionally available for charter over the summer. She will soon have her own blog I hope to start it off with some video of today's trip if I can persuade the vidcam to part with its film - its a bit reluctant at the moment. Apologies about the poor quality images the still camera thinks its memory is full despite being emptied shake rattle and rolled and the vidcam is ancient and does not do great stills...normal quality will resume ASAP.
Until I get the Martlet's own blog underway - if you are interested in chartering the boat drop a comment on here with some contact details; the comment wont be published but I will send your details on to Pete.
Looks like a great day Ian :-)
Thanks for writing about it
Hi everybody,we spotted you all the way from Istanbul,Quite amazed to find a blog site,we were trying to show the boat to Elvans sister Aydan who sails a lot and is very interested/The shots on board are great but hows about trying to get some shots of her under full sail from a distance leave Sam on a buoy with a camera or something.We landlubbers are heading inland to Tarsus the ancient capital of Eastern Roman Empire. Bon voyage Tez and Elvan
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