Monday, 14 July 2008

What have we done so far ?

We have spent around 5 years considering how to escape from an ever more depressing UK. Tens of thousands of miles driving around France, Portugal and Spain sees us settling on Galicia as our destination. In a nutshell; the people are very very friendly, the language is accessible, the culture is Celtic and feels very like Cornwall did when my wife and I moved here some 20 odd years ago....the climate is a tad warmer than Cornwall but not excessively hot, it is a tad wetter but wet means green and we can cope with wet better than we can cope with dry, dusty and too hot.

We agonised, enthused and argued constructively, we put things off, met unforeseen barriers, waxed and waned but eventually sold our ancient Cornish cottage this Spring just before people stopped buying houses.

Having looked online at hundreds of houses we went on a house hunting trip and while driving about we looked in passing at lots more houses sporting se vende signs. We then found some friends had moved out there and their estate agent showed us four houses one of which we bought.

Now we are committed to moving out there mid August the reality is setting in..this blog will track and reflect on our reality.

1 comment:

Hamish Scott-Brown said...

Beautiful pictures Ian - so calming :-)