It has been a fairly depressing week so far with all the rain and thoughts of who and what we are leaving behind dominating, lots to do at work grappling with ethics, updating module guides trying to finish a paper ...
"Developing technology-enhanced work-focussed learning - a Pattern Language approach." However today the sun is shining, the paper is nearly finished and the boys are getting excited about the journey - this time next week we will be waiting to disembark in Santander and will soon be driving past some stunning mountains.
We will be stopping on the way to visit the Jurassic museum at Colunga - this is what you see when you get to the car park.

This is the turn off we find it hard to drive past as it leads to the Picos de Europa and some wonderful high level walking country.

We might well stop off at the Playa de Catedrales near Foz as our last road stop - the rock formations are stunning

and a little while chillin on the beach is a great break for the boys.
A couple of hours later and we will be ariving home.
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