Thursday, 28 August 2008

chuck chuck

Our first couple of chickens settling into temporary accomodation - Poppy on the left and Kate on the right, they will be 'gallinas libre' once we pluck up the courage to let them out...for the moment they are in what was an indoor rabbit pen and seem quite happy. As soon as I find a shop that sells big nails I will be building them a hen house and an outdoor pen.


pericles said...

let's hope they lay enough eggs to feed all those of us who will visit to get away from the rain - which has just gone on and on and on!

Ian said...

I spent much of today making an outside run for them although it is hardly an acropolis it should suffice for a few weeks until I have time to construct something mroe substantial - we hope to get a couple more hens on Monday and if Zorro leaves them alone we might get an egg or two in a couple of months..hope we will see you out here before then esteemed prince of Tyre.

Icantfindmycoffee said...

I'm loving seeing the steps you are taking to fulfil your hopes.