Monday, 15 September 2008

Bianca the new hen

We visited the local school to see about our boys attending but missed it by a few mins however the folk over the road invited us in for coffee and we left 20 mins later with about 30 kg of potatoes, 30 eggs and a new white hen now called Bianca. They warned us to keep her solo as she had not had her beak trimmed so would peck others in the cage - we don't do caging hens so we thought she might be ok outside with ours but nope despite being half their size she tried it on and was then mobbed by our 4 so she is now in the old temporary enclosure while we wonder is she a he and think out what to do.

Here is the luxury outdoor run somewhat shaded by the eucalyptus.

Our 4 little red hens and some white feathers.

Bianca hiding in her temporary hut.

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