People keep asking what the house looks like so here are some more pictures starting with the front bit.

Outside in the drive is a large granite table and seats, we have just planted a bouganvilia to grow along the wall and some ginger plants that seem to thrive out here and there are a couple of young vines trying to establish there too.

The far end painted white with external steps used to be a carniceria. The shutter is down but there is a big window there.When we bought it the owners had stopped their butchery business and started to convert it to a larger building so the grey bit is just a half finished room that one day will be linked through. Neither of these bits look very wide but the house is quite deep front to back so it is a fairly good size and it is on a slope so the rear is two stories...but only at the carniceria end. The gap is a set of external steps that lead up to a huge attic above the bungalow bit. We keep thinking we might rent the bungalow out for a few weeks in the summer and live in the other bit.

Next pic is of the rest of the front, if you imagine it joined onto the previous pic the two windows on the right of the bungalow are our living room. The window left of the front door is the boys bedroom. and there is a garage on the far left.

Round the side you can see some of our trees and a bit of view. We need to put some big windows in the west wall really.

And here are some more of the trees and field. The trees shade us from the evening sun but also provide shelter from the west wind in the winter and will be a valuable crop in about 10 years with luck.

Looking at the back you can see the read window of the carneceria on the left upstairs that has the best views of the valley, I hope that will be my office fairly soon. Then there is a small opening in the grey bit upstairs that will be a larger window one day and below it a huge opening leading into an open plan downstairs area that use to house a tractor, hens and lots of rabbits but has our caravan and some hay in it just now. We hope to put a huge glass door / window across the opening and make it into a big room one day...and move the 6 huge gass bottles that you can see behind our lemon tree and the snowbirds pen and put a big window there too.

The only inside pic I have so far is of the kitchen that is small but well equiped.
The rest of the house is a jungle of boys toys - will be photographed in one of those few minute gaps between tidying up and new toy avalanches.
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