Rowan likes wheelbarrow rides.
Our courgettes seem to turn into marrows overnight.
We keep hearing snippets about how the financial world is falling apart on a global scale but it seems a distant reality as we are not really following any news programs out here, there is something comforting about having enough land to grow a fair proportion of our food. At the moment we have far too much hay considering the only animals we have are our 5 hens. The general approach seems to be to burn the exess but although fires are appealing to the boys, that does not seem too environmentally friendly so we are letting a lot of it rot down for now. I keep planting mushroom spores in a mix of well rotted pig poo and hay.... no mushroms yet though. Hopefully next year we will have more of the garden cultivated and less grassland to deal with. The fig cuttings I took from a very productive tree down at Vilarrube seem to have taken, as has a hazel, some fuschias, bay, escalonia, and other bits and bobs. Lots of interresting looking seeds have arrived from so we need to get planting and hopefully we will have a small forest of banana plants along with an arbour covered in passion fruit, lots of agaves, aloes and opuntias, massess of beans, chillis, aubergines and others to numerous to mention. It is time to move some trees around - an apple tree planted a few years ago in a very gravelly drive is really struggling and the young wallnut trees along the border of our land have to move too.
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