Friday, 24 October 2008

wild mite and happenings in the hen house

Wild mite or wild thing or crunch the kitten has moved into our downstairs and shouts for food every few hours, he loves sitting under the lemon tree but doesn't venture very far from the house neither can we get close enough to touch him but hopefully we now have less mice than we might have had if indeed we ever had any.

He has a nest in the hay that must remind him a tad of early days in the henhouse at Rioforcadas ..talking of which it is all happening down in our hen house, snowbird was eventually allowed to share the hen house but not on the same roost as the other hens, she had to hide in the hay for a few days then was allowed onto a low roost and eventually onto a high one a few feet away from the others. Two days ago I felled a couple of eucalyptus trees and one landed close to the hen house, well actually it hit the fence attached a couple of feet from the hen house but anyway next morning snowbird is on her own on the roost previously occupied by the 4 red hens and the four red hens are on the roost previously occupied by snowbird - the latter being the roost furthest away fron the felled tree incident. When we let the hens out they run or sort of gallop towards our spinach plants aiming to devour the lot so we have to fend them off and herd them into the old cabbage patch. Lisa and her husband came in today for the first time - they live up the road and are ancient as the hills - they loved the hen run and were impressed by the veg patch but due to a slight misunderstanding (one amongst many) we now have to go visit them to learn how to cook chestnuts properly on saturday afternoon...I think that means boiling them in water and fennel leaves hmmmm. We managed to by a mandarin tree and an orange tree and an olive tree all for 25 euros at Moeche market yestrday so have started our little orchard. Weather is still hot during the day but getting cooler overnight now.

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