Wednesday 22 April 2009


we found a pair of lizards in our garden yesterday, the male has a blue head and they both have a green body and brown tail and were about 30 cms long, no idea what they are at the moment possibly ocellated lizards but I have not seen any photos of those ones with blue heads. In the pic above you can just see the male's head to the left of the female in a red circle. Below they are side by side and his head is clearer I think we might have disturbed them at a rather intimate moment. We should really buy a better camera.


Ian said...

oh oh our friends Carlos and Victoria took a look at the pictures today and this is a venomous lizard that we should not go near apparently not capable of delivering a fatal dose but can cause much pain and swelling... and it sings too.

Ian said...

I have searched google they seem to be ocellated lizards that are fine as pets although can give a nasty bite, I guess like many carnivors it is secondary infection from the bites rather than venom that causes problems.